Lunds music cheque is given continuously to children born 2010-2018. You can start whenever. Children born 2018 can apply 1st of March 2025 to start their lessons in the fall term of 2025. Apply here.
Difficult to decide about the instrument? Take advantage of “Instrumentkarusellenm a short course in june wth try-out different instruments. Application Instrumentkarusellen in june 5 lessons In case your child likes to continue with different instruments choose the longer course “Instrumentkarusellen with 12 lessons with next start w 36. We combine with singing and rhythm – a perfect introductory course! Instrumentkarusellen 12 lessons
At LIMUS International Music School, all activities are a part of a greater whole. You can tell that the school is led by its team of teachers. The individual lessons, small and bigger ensembles, different projects – everything is connected and well thought out, in order to give the best opportunities to every single student. Use your childs music cheque for our great allround-education!
Children are different and need to be able to choose the music school that best suit them – to equal prices. This is what we at LIMUS, our students parents and some politicians fought for in several decades before it became reality in 2019. Now you and your child can choose between several authorized music schools in Lund! You apply your child through Lunds kommuns online application. If you wish to come to LIMUS you choose LIMUS several times in the catalogue.The fee for the term is the same at all the music schools: 1 140 SEK. Qualified individual music teaching costs a lot more than 1 140 SEK per term. Because of that, very many municipalities subsidize young people who wish to learn to play an instrument or sing (solo). The parents only pay a small personal fee and the rest is financed by tax money. But often, the subsidies only exist at the munipalities’ own Kulturskola. All young people are directed to one type of music school that is governed by political aspects, rather than pedagogic/artistic knowledge. The subsidy is hidden at the Kulturskola, and many parents believe that professional music teaching does not cost more. But in fact it is impossible for independent private music teachers to offer the same service at this low price. Additionally, private music teaching needs to pay an extra 25% VAT. This distorsion has created many problems for the job market, pedagogic diversity and future music life. It has become apparent everywhere. Lund is an excellent example of innovative thinking. Here, the municipality has decided on a transparent system where the subsidies are called “Music cheques”. Music schools are authorized every year according to set requirements. Young people choose themselves, and bring their music cheque with them. The music cheque is valid continuously – as long as you are living in the municipality. Unfortunately, it is not valid for every age group yet. Younger and older students choose our private courses. Staffanstorps kommun also has a music cheque system. Read more here. How much teaching is guaranteed by the music cheque, and how much does my child receive at LIMUS?
LIMUS has existed as a private music school since 1997. As a private school, we are used to working efficiently with our customers fees. We find that public money needs to be treated the same way. Therefore, students bringing the music cheque to us, will have more and longer teaching than for example at Kulturskolan.This is what Lunds kommun prescribe: At least 12 individual lessons / term of at least 20 minutes = 240 minutes in total.
At LIMUS we give 13 lessons/term of 25 minutes.
That is, we give 325 minutes individual teaching / term in total. This is what Lunds kommun prescribe: At least 300 minutes of teacher-led time / term. 60 minutes teacher-led time per term can be summed up with other students’ times and used for group lessons, concerts etc.
At LIMUS we give, besides the 13 individual lessons, also several group lessons per term. If you take part in the offered lessons it can be up to 100 minutes extra per term.
We offer up to 425 minutes of lesson time instead of the prescribed 300 minutes.
And more than that! See below under LIMUS Special 1, 2 and 3!
Why are you so generous?
We are dedicated tutors and musicians. We wish to teach what we are passionate about in a sustainable way, and see that lesson time is needed for that. We are convinced that everyone is happier when the work can be done without stress. Also, many music schools exists now in Lund, with time and place for everyone. “1000 children in queue” is now happily a distant memory since the music cheque started.
Which instrument can you choose with the music cheque?
With us, you can choose between all of the instruments and several different teaching languages.
Can we choose our lesson time?
Partly. Our teachers makes the preliminary schedules in June for students who are already enrolled. Based on this schedule we can offer new students to choose a weekday. In week 33 the teacher will call all new and old students to make adjustments in the schedule. For the spring term, we usually keep the same schedule. Please notify us by e-mail to before 1st of December if you wish to change time or day.
Where are your facilities?
The lessons are given in our own facilities – two custom-made music houses in central Lund: Helgeandsg 7 (LIMUS Musikhus) and Bredgatan 25 (LIMUS II). We also give lessons in schools in Torna Hällestad and Hjärup.
Who are you really?
At LIMUS, we start from the old classic recipes for teaching and let knowledge and craftsmanship merge. Our highly educated tutors with international background give your child a multifaceted teaching and ensure a great start and a desire to learn more. The size of the school, with ca 600 students in all ages, is a base for a wide variety of projects where every student can be seen and stimulated in the best way. Already when applying for a course you talk directly to us, a professional who cares for the teaching, and you are welcome to continue the dialogue for as long as you need to. An overview of the entire school can be found here.
Do we need to have an instrument at home, and can we rent instrument from you?
Yes, your child needs to have their own instrument at home. For piano you would need at least a digital piano with 5 octaves and preferably touch-sensitive keys. Violins/cellos/harps, oboes and small flutes in childrens’ sizes can be rented from us. Other instruments we do not rent out.
Do you require the children to practise at home?
Actually, yes we do. To learn to play an instrument is fun but also complex. Between the lessons the child needs to practice at home. The teacher will show you how. We recommend that all of our students have a “homework folder” which facilitates a good communication between you and the teacher.
How can I apply – can I get some help, step-by-step?
Choose “LIMUS Musikskola AB” as provider.
Choose instrument
Choose LIMUS Musikskola AB again, in the box “Välj musikskola”
Press the button ”Lägg i korgen”
Press the button ”Slutför din registrering”.
Read and confirm the terms and conditions. Press “Nästa”
Log in with bankID, fill in the personal info on the student and the legal guardian and finish the registration.
Can my child get longer lessons than 25 minutes ?
We have tailor-made an addition course to the price of 2 800 SEK incl 25% VAT. The course is called 2e).
Already applied for music cheque? Here you can apply to the addition course,2e)
Cancellation of lessons – what are the rules?
If you wish to change school you may do so after a completed term.
Can you receive more than one music cheque per term?
Do I need to re-enroll every term, and how do I cancel my place?
Lunds Kommun are administrating the music cheque. You can find the answer to all the questions here.
Have you thought of something more?
LIMUS Special no 1: Music Theory week! Since 2024 we have instated a “theory week” every term where an entire lesson focuses on music theory – or, as we say, the musical DNA. Young people who crack the code, and learn the building blocks of music, can own their music-making in an active and independent way. These things also give a desire to learn more! Info folder here: Music theory week at LIMUS
LIMUS Special no 1: The educational camp! Every year just before Midsummer we arrange a day camp for music cheque students 8-10 years old. We fill the days with rhythmics, movement to music, ensemble playing, music theory and composing. It is instructive, intensive and very inspiring.
The non-profit organization Mozarts Vänner, MoV, back up the camps so that the fees for the children can be kept low.
LIMUS Special no 2: Blue and green ensemble! Every year our students from two age groups receive a place in these bigger ensembles with mixed instruments. Here, you receive 24 lessons of 60 minutes for just 360 SEK! Apply here. Two of our teachers are leading this ensemble together. We practise focus, discipline, listening to each other, rhythm, note reading and the joy of making music together. Recurring repertoire are the schools “Allspelslåtar” and the specially commissioned work “Skrylle-Walk” by JM Sjöberg, a piece of miniature musical poetry.
Have the music cheque been evaluated, is it changing, what kind of reactions to it are there?