Courses and prices

Courses and prices as of aug 2024. All prices incl. 25% VAT.  
October 2023: Read parliamentary motions about lower VAT for private music teaching!
Emma Ahlström Kösters motion here and Victoria Tibloms motion here.

Apply here!

Line 1.) Music Kindergarten for children 4-6 ys.
Twelve lessons with 45 min each in small groups.
For current dates, ages, schedules, seeTider Music Kindergarten
The entire course fee must be paid in advance. Price per course/student: 2 160 SEK/stud
a) Mondays: Hej min fiol/Violin Kids, mixed languages
b) Thursdays and Fridays: IPZ! (The Instrument Petting Zoo), Swedish
c) Fridays: Pianolek, Swedish
d) Saturdays: IPZ! International, mixed languages
e) Sundays; Key Kids, mixed languages
f) Saturdays: Parents in tune, mixed languages: Price: 3 360 kr (1 child+1 adult)

Line 2.) Growing with music. (”Att växa med musiken”) Continual courses for children and adolescents. Cancellation before the following term must be made by mail/e-mail to LIMUS no later than 1st of May before the fall term, or 1st of Dec before the spring term. 13 individual lessons/term, 2 of them altern. ensemble + active/passive concert. Weekly lessons according to a schedule for the whole term (“See “Terminstider och undervisningsveckor”), two replacement weeks. Fee must be paid 50% in advance and 50% after the fifth lesson. Fee per term:

a) 30 min/week 4 300 SEK
aa) 25 min/week x 15 weeks with Lunds or Staffanstorps music cheque: see separate info
b) 45 min/week (also prep to Int. Certifications ABRSM) 5 900 SEK
c) 60 min/week (also Young Academy) 6 990 SEK
d) Kompiskurs: 13×45 min with 2 students who apply together 3 400 SEK/stud
e) Addition course for music cheque students 13 x 15 min (40 min/week in total) 2 800 SEK

Line 3.) Mindfulness in music. Punch ticket for adults.

10 lessons, valid 6 months from start. The whole fee must be paid in advance.
Start any time in the year. Individual booking for every lesson.
Rescheduling: 48 hours in advance.
a) Tioklippkort 30 min 4 420 SEK
b) Tioklippkort 45 min 5 880 SEK
c) Individual preparation in aural training/theory for you who wish to do apply to higher education 5 900 kr
420 min in total. Info & coordination: Fredrik Schützer 0702-46 03 71

Line 4.) Group courses for youngsters: Joy and Knowledge
See timeslots for Instrumentkarusellen here and about other group courses here. Information & coordination: Fredrik Schützer 0702-46 03 71
a) Music theory and aural training. Whole year course. 24 x 50 minutes. From 9 years and up.
Start w 37  3 400 SEK Special price: 2 400 kr/student/school year
b) “Instrumentkarusellen”. 12 x 45 minutes. Ages 7-8 ys. Start w 36 and w 4. 2 160 SEK/stud
c) LIUS – Internationella ungdomsstråket (International Youth Strings). From 10-17 år. Start Saturdays from spring term of 2025. 1875 SEK incl 25% VAT 500 SEK discount! 1375 SEK incl 25% VAT
d) Melodica ensemble i project form. 12-17 år. See mer info here.
e) Blåa och gröna ensemblen, for music cheque students 8-9 years. Start w 37. 24 x 60 minutes lessons in a bigger ensemble. Price 360 kr incl 25% VAT.

Line 5.) Maxflex, Gift cards. Crash course music theory. Tryout-lesson.
Individual booking. Billing to an alternate address is possible.
a) One individual lesson 50 min. Also for rehearsal with pianist 600 SEK
Can also be used as a gift card.
b) Crash Course in music theory and aural training for adults. 2 x 110 min lessons + 70 min individual work.
Three people can split the fee. 2 800 kr
c) Try-out lesson 20 minutes for children up to 15 ys, just once for every instrument free

Line 6.) Music is a language, for you 15 ys and older.
Cello ensemble, Baroque ensemble, Jazz ensemble,
Some previous knowledge is required.
Eight lessons with 70 min in a small group (specify ensemble). 2 800 SEK/stud

Line 7.) Summer courses, music camps etc. and Vinterklippkort (Winter courses)
See the entire curriculum here. 
